The main difference is the color being pink instead of the natural azure. The artificial duplicate of this fruit enables the user a similar transformation, with certain minor differences. These characteristics may give a possible indication of the Emperor drawing on more power from his Devil Fruit.

In the anime, it also has a darker and more vibrant blue color compared to Kaidou's other forms. This form appears slightly bulkier and has different facial features: a full set of fangs, a wider nose, and eyebrows similar to his full Beast form. In addition to his standard Human-Beast Form, Kaidou has on several occasions showcased an alternate hybrid form. His Human-Beast Form, while not as colossal, is still very large and, in shape, comes closer to his Human Form, with scales on his arms, outer torso, back, and legs as well as six horns on his head, claws on the hands and feet, and a long tail. In his full Beast Form, Kaidou grows to rival a small town in size, making this the largest yet-seen Zoan transformation. Apart from scales, acquired dragon features include horns (a second pair in Kaidou's case), sharp fangs, and limbs with clawed hands and feet. Additionally, as with all Zoans they can access a Human-Beast Form, becoming a smaller half-dragon humanoid. This fruit enables the user to turn into a giant, serpentine, blue-scaled dragon: a type of Eastern dragon ( 龍, Ryū ?) called "Azure Dragon". The artificial version of this fruit takes the form of a blue apple with double ring patterns throughout the fruit, the outer rings being darker green than the inner ones' lighter. On its top, the fruit possesses orange leaves and two identical, separate stems, with one being purple and the other a lighter pink shade. Its blue exterior gives the appearance of having overlapping scales: each "scale" has a small, dark-blue oval in the middle that bears a signature Devil Fruit spiral at the bottom, while the scales' outer portions are of a lighter-blue shade. The fruit is spherical and slightly oblong in shape, somewhat resembling a pinecone. The artificial duplicate of the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu.

Seiryū ( 青龍 ?) is the Japanese name of the Azure Dragon.