In front of you, you will see five rows of spaces with a constellation in front of each. On the main wall, you will see an array of constellations, with most of them appearing more than once. You’ll find this shrine once you reach Korok Forest in the Lost Woods.

The more difficult shrines are accessed much later in the game after the player is more familiar and adept with the game mechanics. Most of these shrines are encountered fairly early on in the game if you head for the Dueling Peaks after finishing up on the Great Plateau. In the easiest shrines, you’re given a fairly straightforward puzzle to solve, or if you have to do battle with a Guardian, it’s not a particularly powerful one. Some shrines are relatively simple, while others are quite difficult.

They also act as practice runs, in a way, for what awaits Link inside the Divine Beasts and Hyrule Castle. They reward the player with Spirit Orbs and treasure chests full of useful items if they can successfully complete each challenge. There are numerous shrines found throughout Hyrule (120 in total, not counting the DLC shrines), with each of them serving as miniature dungeons full of logic puzzles and the occasional combat trial. The Ancient Shrines are some of the most important gameplay elements in Breath of the Wild.